Tuesday 21 March 2017


Internet has brought along many advantages and one of it is the fact that the world no longer looks big. The world is already a village where everyone lives apart but communicates in nanoseconds. Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and even Satellite Television have made it possible to connect to people real-time online. The barrier is broken. Happenings and events around the world affects us all now.

In a nutshell, all sensational news is another reason to birth writers and orators. Everyone is a genius in their own right. Since there is a free platform, everyone wants to outshine the other in the race of opinion. It’s becoming an unhealthy competition.

In just two days, I have seen over 30 updates from people who claimed to have been depressed at one point in time. Everyone is suddenly a master at treating depression and mental instability. Speak out is the new chorus. From the end of the street to the other, from Facebook to Twitter, I have seen over a thousand “Speak Out” updates and I ask, are we still living in this clime? Speak out to whom?

In less than 48 hours, some people have seen reasons to drag this administration through the mud just because a precious life was wasted. Oh, it’s recession. It’s this, it’s that. Buhari is evil. They say, sometimes, when the foolish keep quiet in the gathering of the wise, he will be mistaken for a wise man. If you have no facts, don’t spread fallacies. It shows the world how shallow you are 

Depression is not a new thing. Depression is not 2017 compliant. The only difference is “the world is digital and connected and we get to hear what happen from one end of the globe to another in a matter of seconds”.

When I was in Primary school, a teacher, committed suicide by slitting her own throat and as little as I was, I still remember a  jovial, wealthy, married and pretty woman. It was her third attempt and she succeeded. Later, sketchy news came that she was barren and married to a popular wealthy man. She was battling depression for long and she couldn’t take it anymore. Depression and suicide is as old as the Jewish calendar just like racism in America but the difference is there is camera to capture a racist event in 2017.

And the association of speak out and talk to me, are making it hard for depressed people to speak out. It’s unfortunate that social media is full of decay coated in glitters and shimmers. We have not progressed to a level where we can digitally detect a lying post so we can thread with caution.

You, the Business Manager of a financial institution who gave out the names of your subordinates you considered a threat and watched them get sacked for absolutely no offence committed. They were diligent, they met their targets, they had fantastic appraisals but because you have the power to nominate someone, you picked your threat and threw her to the sharks. In her tears, you spoke to her softly promising to see what you can do yet rejoicing in her downfall. You have the audacity to come online to tell a depressed soul to speak out to you? The poor lady, whose job you took away and threw into uncertainty, whose life you rearranged and gave insomnia because she has devoted all her life working for the same organization, she is dejected and downcast with no hope for where her house rents or her kids school fees is coming from and you say someone should TALK TO YOU?

Hello madam lioness, vomiting fire and brimstone. On social media, people can’t comment on your post. No, they dare not make a simple joke. All sarcasm is lost on you. You are quick to tear and break. Condescending and arrogantly abusing people yet telling them to OPEN UP TO YOU. Who dare? You can’t hold a cane and tell a crying child to come closer. It’s impossible.

The volcanic boss, full of derogatory and debasing remarks. All your subordinates are afraid of you. You are the reason why someone is taking sleeping pills every day. You are rude and uncouth. You abuse people without having regard for their humanity. You are the F.E.A.R that lives in people. You are the reason why people are resigning. You have brought men to their knees and gave tears to a shaky soul. You see no good in your staff, always complaining and pulling them down. You too, you have the audacity to tell someone to OPEN UP? You, the reason why someone will still commit suicide in the nearest future? You are acting all loving on social media.

The almighty mother-in-law. You are dreaded by all your son’s wives. Your name rings fear. You are the one who decides the fates of another human. You decide how long a woman stays with your son. The rule is clear. They must worship you. The chocomilo mother-in-law. Good day ma. You too, who have made life so unbearable for your son-in-law to the extent that you went to pack your daughter loads from his house while raining curses on him. You want people to talk to you? You, the reason why another man/woman is slipping into the state of depression. You have suddenly become a listening ear telling all and sundry to come and talk to you

Slay Sister. Sister-in-law of life. Pepperdemgang. Scatter dem, Dem dey craze, gangster leader. You also want people to talk to you? You have suddenly become a preacher. You, that threw another woman’s load out of your brother’s house because you said she is barren. In the mightiness of your power and the majesty of your throne, you already passed a judgment of condemnation on a being you didn’t create. The infertility problem, that your brother is the cause because he has  low sperm count and has refused to go to the hospital for check-up. You decided enough is enough and drove another woman out of her rightful home. You called her barren, evil and witch. You taunted her and killed her with words. Every night, she drowns in her own tears as she waits to take her own life. You come here to say “Talk to Me” Who is going to talk to you?

Oyoyo 1, Omalicha, Osampete, Adanma, Adanne, Queen of Instagram. After you na you. You too, you are telling them to talk to you? Have you forgotten, your own blood sister, whose husband you are sleeping with, the same man fueling all your expenses. You took him away from your sister at least in the spirit as you mesmerize him with your sex styles. Your sister knows but she is too sad to talk. She is ashamed. She is contemplating suicide and you are here saying “TALK TO ME”

Uncle Bros, Six inches John Thomas. You have injured all the ladies in town. 56 abortions carried out by 12 women all in your name. You have slept with sisters and their mother. You have promised marriage to over 20 women. You have proposed with rings to over 5 ladies. You are the Lord of the rings. The reason why many ladies cry to bed every night. You promised them love, took away their dignity and now, you are blackmailing them. You have all their nude pictures, demanding money every now and then. Yet, you are surprised that a man committed suicide. Do you know the number of women you have dragged through the dark pit of depression? You are also telling them to TALK to YOU

Mr. lecturer, the randy rabbit. You have failed more than 20 girls intentionally. They must sleep with you before they can pass. That girl, who suddenly lost weight, is dying slowly because you will not graduate her. He mother is ill. Her father is dead. She took her school fees on loan hoping to graduate and get a job to take care of her sick mother and her younger ones. Yet, you are keeping her because she has decided not to fulfil your carnal desire. She is dying slowly; crumbling under the heavy weight you have made her to bear yet, you come online to say TALK TO ME.  Who are you?

Should we continue?

The Mummy GO, The Aunty Usher, The Choir Master…

Or the Facebook Group Cabals and witches coming up to devour a struggling and depressed soul. Ganging up against her and speaking ill of another in your coven. You passed judgment on issues you have no understanding of… You want them to TALK to YOU?

Until we learn to be involved in people’s struggle and take them as our own selves, NOBODY will open up to you. NOBODY will TALK TO YOU. You cannot hold a cane and expect a child to come near…

We all have work to do. It’s beyond 48 hours write-up and social media competition of who is the most depressed. It’s a joint action to stop adding burdens to the load of others. Instead, lift them up and soften the burden. If you have nothing good to say to people, keep quiet.