Friday 11 August 2017


This morning, the Lord told me, “Mide, do you know the secret of the life of Joseph?” I responded, “No Lord, I know his story but not his secret” The Lord said, I will tell you… It will help you on this journey…

Joseph was “almost” the last born with just a younger brother called Benjamin. Joseph had many brothers, well-grown brothers who were authorities over him. Joseph had a doting father, who cared for him and showed a special affection for him then Joseph had the GIFT of DREAMS. He could dream. Unfortunately, he was only able to dream but couldn’t interpret them.

One day….

Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers, they hated him all the more. He said to them, “Listen to this dream I had: We were binding sheaves of grain out in the field when suddenly my sheaf rose and stood upright, while your sheaves gathered around mine and bowed down to it.”

Then he had another dream, and he told it to his brothers…

 “Listen,” he said, “I had another dream, and this time the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me.”
When he told his father as well as his brothers, his father rebuked him and said, “What is this dream you had? Will your mother and I and your brothers actually come and bow down to the ground before you?” His brothers were jealous of him, but his father kept the matter in mind.

At the time Joseph was having these dreams, he only was able to remember but not interpret. He was 17, naïve and the dreams were a bit clear. They needed no interpretation.
Then they sold him to kill his dreams. They thought, if we sell him as a slave, his dreams will die.

Joseph was sold out and he ended up in the prison. From the prison, he moved to the throne as a prime minister in Egypt. The second most influential role anybody could hold in Egypt. He was a stranger, a slave and a prisoner.

But something happened….

The king of Egypt had a DREAM and he was troubled so much that he needed someone to interpret the dream. Someone “REFFERED” Joseph and Joseph was able to meet with the King.

Joseph had GROWN by then. He moved from being a DREAMER to being an INTERPRETER… Fortunately, his interpretation was confirmed and he rose to the exalted position of a prime minister…

The Lord told me, he said “Mide, did any of your pastor ever told you that Joseph’s GIFT got him the position?” I said no. He said “Joseph was sold to you as a child of luck and grace but never a child who worked on his gift”. He said, “The grace of God can place you in front of an opportunity but your skills, your preparation, your talent will give you the opportunity”

If Joseph hadn’t improved on himself, he wouldn’t have been able to be useful to the King and he wouldn’t have gotten to that position…

God gives us gifts. We all have Talents. He said “Mide, I have given every man a Talent. Something to set them apart. I have built them for a purpose but I won’t compel them to use the talent. They must be awake in the spirit to know the talent. They must work to hone the talent. They must do their part. I have done my part and I am not going to do their parts for them.

He said… my grace works without hindrance. If Joseph had been sold to Syria, the King of Syria would have had the dream that the King of Egypt had. The king of Egypt was not a believer but he had the dream because it was time for me to showcase Joseph.

Then he said… Your Gift will make way for you. He went further; I need you to also learn some other things…

It took seven years for the dream to come to pass. Seven years of plenty and seven years of famine. He said “Mide, in those seven years, Cannan and other states cum countries had plenty to eat. It was a period of waste. A period of merriment but it was in that period that Egypt saved most… Mide, in your period of plenty, you must learn to save in other to triumph over your period of famine.

He said “Do you noticed that the first disapproval Jospeh got was from his own people. His family, his blood. When your vision is too big, people will attack it. People will shut you up and try to shut you down. Never let that stop you from improving. Never let it stop you from believing in your dreams. No one can stop your dream except YOU.

Do you also notice that despite the fact that he was sold into slavery, I orchestrated his move to the throne. I didn’t stop. I worked with Pharaoh’s heart and gave him a disturbing dream. I made sure Jospeh was called upon. Mide, never ever forget that despite the hurdles, the tribulations and the trials, that I will never leave you alone. I am with you. I will walk and work with you. I will bring whatever I have promised you to pass. I don’t look at people’s opinion to fulfill my promise. I am always going to make it work for you.

He said “Joseph was referred by someone who had been in contact with him in the prison. Someone who knows him and understands his core strength. What is your core strength Olamide? Every day, I bring people into your life. They see you, meet you and have an impression about you but what is their impression? What do you do? What is your strength? Your core competence? Your skill? Your area of specification? Can people refer you? For what will they refer you?

Do you also know that I blessed Jospeh based on his TALENT, just like many people have been famous and wealthy for their Talents… Ronaldo, Opray and so many famous people who rose to the position of prominence through their talents. Do you know why so many stars have gone dim? Because those who were meant to identify and nurture them have killed them.
You are a mother Olamide, I have given Talents to your children. I need you to identify the talent and nurture it. Don’t kill it. Don’t look down on it. Don’t tell your daughter “You talk too much”. Don’t tell your son “You sing too much” Don’t rebuke them for telling you dreams. Don’t kill the spirit I have placed in them..

When the Lord was done with me… he said “Set forth… The time is now”
He speaks to me EVERYDAY… I have a personal relationship with him that extends beyond synagogues and religious gratification… I listen to him and I have seen him do wonders for me…

Is he also talking with you?