Monday 13 July 2015


Life throws so many things at us but our reactions will determine our altitude in life.
It was one of the most important meetings as far as my career was concerned. I needed to be at the First bank Head Office at Marina Lagos for a meeting with the Head of IT. I woke up early, went through my presentation as much as possible and headed to the place with my Boss of life. There is something about my boss. He’s not the regular boss. He’s the boss who became a friend. This guy is so intelligent. Anything Information technology is like child’s play to him. Even the CCIE’s value his intellect.

As we made to climb the staircase leading to the entrance of the building, I noticed that all the security guys greeted him in a familiar manner. They knew his name and called him out. He hailed them back, shook hands with them without stopping on his tracks. We were late for the important meeting.
At the reception, we needed to wait for 2 minutes to allow them crosscheck with our host. While waiting for them to put the call across, another security man came around and hugged him. My boss was elated. They embraced for a while and started chatting about some people. I was confused.
I was lost to how/where he knew all the security men. Soon, the call came through and we were given our tags. On our way, I asked him how he knew all the guys who seem to have known him since eternity. Then he told me something that shook me till tomorrow.
He said “Lammy, I didn’t just grow up to be a Network Consultant. I worked my way to this position. I was once a security man and one of my posts was this same building we are in today. All the people I greeted were my colleagues. The last man who came to chat me up was my supervisor. Those guys you see have been doing this job for years.”
I was speechless. So I asked him, Andrew, what happened to you?
He continued. “I went to school. I had nobody to support me. I did odd jobs. Lammy, I did so many odd jobs I won’t be able to tell you. I was determined to succeed. I was working against time but with precision. Most times, I read in secrecy. I did everything in secrecy because if my employers gets to know, they will fire me. I eventually became a graduate even though I still lag behind sort of compared to some of my mates. I am still on a journey dear. I have a dream”
Oops. Tears came running down. I was touched. I looked at myself, a grumbling ingrate who got almost everything on a platter of gold. A father to pay my fees out of school, a family to care and cater for me. I looked at million of people who have no one to fall on and still went ahead to pursue their dreams.
I felt so ungrateful that day...

Today, that my boss is the HEAD OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY of a leading Private Institution. He’s married and doing perfectly well.
I don’t know what you are going through but I know something for sure...
The only person who can stop you from becoming who you want to be is YOU.
 You have a choice.

| Mide Pearl |